By LeGrand Redd on 7:54 AM

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I just thought I would let everyone know that Elder Joseph B. Worthlin passed away late last night between 11-11:30. He will be missed by all.

Long time overdue

By LeGrand Redd on 1:55 PM

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It has been a long time since I have posted a post. haha, that sounds funny! but I have been way busy moving and different things.

Here are a few pics of my roommates Elder's Ogden, Millett, and Daines.

These pics were of Elder Ogden's Last day in the mission. It was a sad day for all of us but he is onto bigger and better things. We went to his homecoming the otherday and he did a wonderful jobb on his talk. We went to his house afterwords and ate good food.

Here are a couple of pictures of me and my sister and mom that came up to visit me and go to his homecoming! It was a good time.

Sad Day for Blanding!

By LeGrand Redd on 1:23 PM

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My heart goes out at this time to all the families that lost thier loved ones! The Acton family, the Bayles Family, and the Eric Johnson Family for the accident that happened recently to all the Fathers of the Families! Here is the Story if anybody didnt know about it. I just ask you to pray for thier families that they will be alright.

Fun in the Mission

By LeGrand Redd on 2:28 PM

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Here are some pics of me and some of the other missionaries in the mission having a blast.

This is of a activity recently. An elder named Elder Ben kicked a bouncy ball into the water on accident and Elder Wilde had to go and get it out of the water. It was pretty funny.

This is of most of the group playing apples to apples at a park.
Me with my stupid smile.
Elder Savage giving the camera thumbs up!!
Here are some pics of me and some of the other missionaries in the mission having a blast.
This is a picture of mostly all the young missionaries at President Peterson's apartment complex. We just did a goofy picture. Elder Young is covering up my head!!
This is at one of our ym (Young Missionary Activities. It was a blast as you can tell.
This is of my group of people that I came into the mission with.

Carole Mikita

By LeGrand Redd on 2:11 PM

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The other Day when Pres. Bush Came into town then I went out to see if I could see him and I saw Carole Mikita reporting on the meeting with him and Pres. Monson. So I ran back upstairs and got my camera and during a break from her broadcasting on the news then she took a couple of pics with me and my companion. I thought it was sooo cool. Then the other day about a week ago or so me and my companion (Elder Daines) got the opportunity to go to Elizabeth Smarts House!! That was the most coolest thing that I have done so far on my mission.

The whole story began when my Zone Leader, Elder Chandler, and his wife couldnt move into thier apartment and so the mission found a place for them in Elizabeth Smarts Grandmothers House. They have been living thier for a while and they invited us over to hear her play the Harp. It was the Coolest thing to see her and talk with her. I will have to get a pic with her sometime and post it.

My Birthday Party

By LeGrand Redd on 9:22 AM

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I had my Birthday yesterday. It

just seemed like any other old day until about 5:00 that evening because the young missionaries had a party to celebrate my 20Th Birthday. Here are some Pictures From The Party last night. I cant believe that I am already 20 years old. I feel way old.

Good Friends

By LeGrand Redd on 7:35 AM

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These are my good ole buddy Elders that Lived in the apartment up here with me.

Front Row: Me, Elder Ogden

Back Row: Elder Finicum, Elder Millett, Elder Wilde.

But now Elder Finicum moved out last October, and Elder Bergmark moved in.

Elder Ogden is from West Jordon, Elder Millett is from Kingston, Utah, Elder Wilde is from Canada, and Elder Finicum is from Arizona.

Tabernacle Pictures

By LeGrand Redd on 9:03 AM

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Sorry everybody. I am new at this blogging thing. Here are some pictures of me and the Tabernacle.

Tabernacle Pictures

By LeGrand Redd on 1:44 PM

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Hey Everyone. I hope all is well with everybody where ever you may be. I am up in SLC on Temple Square ! It is the Best Mission in the world. I am in the Family and Church History Mission. I upload people into a database so they can learn about Family History. It is a blast being up here. I wouldnt trade anything in the world for it. Just last year our choir in the mission got to have the opportunity to sing in the Tabernacle. It was the best experience I have ever had. Here are some Pics of that event.